Acbart ePortfolio

Acbart ePortfolio
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Teaching and Mentoring


T. Price, D. Hovemeyer, K. Rivers, A. C. Bart, A. Petersen, B. Becker and J. Lefever, ProgSnap2: A Flexible Format for Programming Process Data, CSEDM’19, Tempe, Arizona. March, 2019.

A. C. Bart, A. Sarver, M. Friend, L. Cox, PythonSneks: An Open-Source, Instructionally-Designed Introductory Curriculum with Action-Design Research (won 3rd Best Paper in Curriculum track!), SIGCSE’19, Minneapolis, Minnesota. February, 2019.

A. C. Bart, C. A. Shaffer, What Have We Talked About?, SIGCSE’19, Minneapolis, Minnesota. February, 2019.

L. Gusukuma, A. C. Bart, D. Kafura, Misconception-Driven Feedback: Results from an Experimental Study, ICER ‘18, Finland. August, 2018.

A. C. Bart, E. Tilevich, C. A. Shaffer, D. Kafura, Reconciling the Promise and Pragmatics of Enhancing Computing Pedagogy with Data Science, SIGCSE ‘18, Baltimore, MD. February, 2018.

L. Gusukuma, A. C. Bart, D. Kafura, Instructional Design + Knowledge Components: A Systematic Method for Refining Instruction, SIGCSE ‘18, Baltimore ,MD. February, 2018.

B. Chowdhury, A. C. Bart, D. Kafura, Analysis of Collaborative Learning in a Computational Thinking Class, SIGCSE ‘18, Baltimore, MD. February, 2018.

A. C. Bart, L. Gusukuma, D. Kafura, Really Pushing My Buttons: Affordances in Block-based Languages (Position Paper), Blocks & Beyond 2018, Raleigh, North Carolina. October 2018.

L. Gusukuma,A. C. Bart, D. Kafura, Authoring Feedback for Novice Programmers in a Block-based Language (Position Paper), Blocks & Beyond 2018, Raleigh, North Carolina. October 2018.

A. C. Bart, Motivating Introductory Students with Pedagogical Datasets, Dissertation. March, 2017. [Slides]

A. C. Bart, J. Tibau, D. Kafura,E. Tilevich, C. A. Shaffer, Design and Evaluation of a Block-based Environment with a Data Science Context, IEEETransactions on Emerging Topics in Computing ‘17. May, 2017.

A. C. Bart, J. Tibau, E. Tilevich, C. A. Shaffer, D. Kafura, BlockPy: An Open Access Data-Science Environment for Introductory Programmers, IEEE Computer ‘17. May, 2017.

A. C. Bart, R. Whitcomb, D. Kafura, A. A. Shaffer, E. Tilevich., Computing with CORGIS: Diverse, Real-world Datasets for Introductory Computing. ACM Inroads 8, 2 (March 2017), 66-72. [Reprint]

A. C. Bart, R. Whitcomb, E. Tilevich, C. A. Shaffer, D. Kafura, Computing with CORGIS: Diverse, Real-world Datasets for. Introductory Computing(Best Paper), SIGCSE ‘17, Seattle, Washington. March, 2017.

A. C. Bart, J. Tibau, E. Tilevich, C. A. Shaffer, D. Kafura, Implementing an Open-access, Data Science__Programming Environment for Learners, COMPSAC ‘16, Atlanta, Georgia. June 10-15, 2016.

A. C. Bart, E. Tilevich, C. A. Shaffer, D. Kafura, Position Paper:From Interest to Usefulness with BlockPy, a Block-based, Educational Environment, Blocks & Beyond ‘15, Atlanta, Georgia. October 21-23, 2015.

D. Kafura, A. C. Bart, B. Chowdhury, Design and Preliminary Results__From a Computational Thinking Course. ITiCSE’15, Vilnius, Lithuania. July 6-8, 2015.

A. C. Bart, E. Tilevich, T. Allevato, S. Hall,C. A. Shaffer, Transforming Introductory Computer Science Projects via Real-Time Web Data, SIGCSE ‘14, Atlanta, Georgia. March 5-8, 2014.


A. C. Bart, K. Subramanian, R. E. Anderson, N. A. Hamid, Preparing, Visualizing, and Using Real-world Data in Introductory Courses, SIGCSE’18, Baltimore, Maryland. February, 2018.


E. Tilevich, C. A. Shaffer, A. C. Bart., Creating Stimulating, Relevant, and Manageable Introductory Computer Science Projects that Utilize Real-Time, Large, Web-Based Datasets, SIGCSE’15, Kansas City, MO. 2014.

E. Tilevich, C. A. Shaffer, A. C. Bart., Creating Stimulating, Relevant, and Manageable Introductory Computer Science Projects that Utilize Real-Time, Web-Based Datasets, SIGCSE’14, Atlanta, GA. 2013.


A. C. Bart, L. Gusukuma, D. Kafura., Pushing My Buttons: Talking about Affordances in Block Interfaces. Blocks & Beyond 2017. Raleigh, NC. October 2017.

A. C. Bart, D. Kafura., BlockPy Interactive Demo: Dual Text/Block Python Programming Environment for Guided Practice and Data Science (Abstract Only). SIGCSE’17. Seattle, Washington. March 2017.

Birds of a Feather

A. C. Bart, P. Conrad, M. Hilton, B. Edmison. The Problem of Packaging Curricular Materials. SIGCSE 2019. Minneapolis, MN. February 2019.

Conference Talks

A. C. Bart. Curricular Material Packaging Working Group Report. CSSPLICE’19. Minneapolis, MN. February 27, 2019.

A. C. Bart, C. A. Shaffer. Instructional Design is to Teaching as Software Engineering is to Programming. SIGCSE ‘16. Kansas City, MO. March 2-5, 2016.

A. C. Bart, J. Riddle, O. Saleem, B. Chowdhury, E. Tilevich,C. A. Shaffer,D. Kafura, Motivating Students with Big Data: CORGIS and MUSIC, Splash-E ‘14, Portland, Oregon. October 21-23, 2014.

A. C. Bart, E. Tilevich,C. A. Shaffer,T. Allevato, S. Hall, Using Real-Time Web Data to Enrich Introductory Computer Science Projects, Splash-E ‘13, Indianapolis, Indiana. October 26-31, 2013.


L. Gusukuma, A. C. Bart, D. Kafura, Authoring Feedback for Novice Programmers in a Block-based Language. Blocks & Beyond 2017. Raleigh, NC. October 2017.

A. C. Bart., Applying Formal Models of Instructional Design to Measurably Improve Learning in Introductory Computing. SIGCSE ‘16. Kansas City, MO. March 2-5, 2016.

A. C. Bart, E. M. Bart, Teaching Animal Science with Minecraft: AnimalScienceCraft. GSA Research Symposium at Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, March 2015.

A. C. Bart, Situating Computational Thinking with Big Data: Pedagogy and Technology, SIGCSE45th ACM technical symposium on Computer Science Education Graduate Research Poster Competition, Kansas City, MO, March 2015.

A. C. Bart, E. Tilevich, C. A. Shaffer, T. Allevato, S. Hall, Teaching Computational Thinking with Real-Time Data, Conference on Higher Education Pedagogy, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, Feburary 2014.

A. C. Bart, E. Tilevich, C. A. Shaffer, T. Allevato, S. Hall, Transforming Introductory Computer Science Projects via Real-Time Web Data, Graduate Student Poster Symposium, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, May 2013.

A. C. Bart, L. Pollock, Wacky Writing: Enhancing the XO Laptop Platform to Motivate Creative Writing by Children, SIGCSE 44th ACM technical symposium on Computer Science Education Graduate Resaerch Poster Competition, Denver, CO, March 2013.

A. C. Bart, R. Deaton, E. McGinnis, Lowering Development Barriers in Educational Game Design, Conference on Higher Education Pedagogy, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, Feburary 2013.

A. C. Bart, G. Sridhara, L. Pollock, V. Shanker, Reverse Engineering from Java Identifier Names: Conventions and a Grammar, Summer Scholars Poster Presentation, University of Delaware, Newark, DE, August 2011.


A. C. Bart, Getting Started with Real-Time Web Data, Association for Women in Computing First Annual Hackathon, Blacksburg, VA, April, 2014.

A. C. Bart, Educational Game Design, Students Teaching Students, Blacksburg, VA, April 24, 2013.

A. C. Bart, L. Pollock, Wacky Writing: Exploring the XO Laptop as a Platform for Encouraging Creative Writing by Children, Senior Thesis Symposium, Newark, DE, May 5, 2012.

A. C. Bart, L. Pollock, Exploring the XO Laptop as a Platform for Encouraging Creative Writing by Children, Honors BS Thesis, University of Delaware. Defended May 9, 2012.

Web Books

D. Kafura, A. C. Bart, B. Chowdhury, Computational Thinking, online. 2014.

A. C. Bart, R. Deaton, E. McGinnis, Platipy Project, 2013.