Acbart ePortfolio

Acbart ePortfolio
Completed Projects
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SIGCSE’22 Escapes
SIGCSE’23 Escapes
SIGCSE’24 Escapes
SIGCSE’25 Escapes
Potential Projects
Teaching and Mentoring

Potential Projects

Are you an undergraduate interested in doing research with me? Here are some topics and areas that are interesting to me.

CS1 Data Analysis/Visualization

We’ve recorded a large number of coding snapshots from students completing problems in BlockPy across multiple semesters and courses. We get fine grained data on what students write, when they work, their demographics, their performance on exams, etc. All of this data is already cleaned and anonymized, and now we are looking to do various kinds of interesting analyses with it.

CORGIS Pedagogical Dataset Development

Build and maintain datasets that are meant for classrooms, drawing from extremely varied sources. This is basically my most popular project and there’s a lot of good work to be done. I’m not sure how publishable it is, but this is something that a lot of folks use directly and could really benefit from some good work!

Waltz: Canvas Management Tools

Various tools for synchronizing a Canvas course with a Github repo

Cultural and Equity Improvements for Bakery

An evaluation of the Bakery curriculum revealed that we have not done enough to foster equity, creativity, community, and culture. We need to revisit the curriculum in that lens.

Drafter Game Library

The Drafter game library is one of my newest attempts to make a novice-friendly library in Python that demonstrates “the right things to do” with things like state, decomposition, and testing.

Designer Game Library for Skulpt

BlockPy internally uses the Skulpt Javascript-to-Python compiler. This compiler does not support all Python language features, although its functionality continues to grow. I’d like to add a game development library to it for Designer.

BlockMirror: Dual Block/Text Interface Component

We recently separated BlockMirror out into its own separate component from BlockPy. We’d like to see it integrated into some new environments, like Jupyter Notebooks.

Curriculum Packaging Format

How should instructors in Computing bundle up their lessons for sharing, evaluating, adopting, etc.?

Better Feedback in BlockPy

Intelligent tutoring system for BlockPy (or other relevant system) that helps support metacognitive behaviors based on a model of students.