Module 8 - Data Structures
Quick summary description
Before the week begins
Major Topics
Due This Week:
Graded This Week
Student Difficulty
Module 8 - Staff Meeting
Lesson 41- Lookup and Find
Summary: Finding an element in a list is much slower than looking up a key via a dictionary.
Learning Objectives:
- Replace a find operation with a lookup
- Explain the advantage of a lookup operation vs. a find operation
- Lesson: Lookup and Find
- Quiz: Lookup and Find
Misconceptions: None listed so far
Lesson 42- Nesting Data
Summary: Lists and Dictionaries are both complex types, which means that they are composed of other types. Not just primitive types, but even other complex types. This means that you can have lists inside of dictionaries, and dictionaries inside of lists. This richer representation allows us to model much more complex stuff.
Learning Objectives:
- Explain how complex types can be nested
- Write syntactically correct Lists and Dictionaries literal values
- Write syntactically correct literals that compose multiple types
- Write statements and expressions that access data in nested data structures
- Describe complex nested data in succinct forms
- Lesson: Nested Structures
- Quiz: Nested Structures
- Programming: Nested Structures
Misconceptions: None listed so far
Lesson 43- Tuples
Summary: Tuples are just like lists, except they have a specific size and cannot be changed.
Learning Objectives:
- Explain the difference between lists and tuples
- Construct a tuple using values, variables, and expressions
- Identify where tuples are commonly used in programs
- Write a multiple assignment statement
- Describe when it is appropriate to use a multiple assignment statement
- Define the term immutability
- Lesson: Tuples
- Quiz: Tuples
- Programming: Tuples
Misconceptions: None listed so far