Module 6 - More Looping
Quick summary description
Before the week begins
Major Topics
Due This Week:
Graded This Week
Student Difficulty
Module 6 - Staff Meeting
Lesson 35- Lists and Strings
Summary: FOR Loops are not just useful for lists - they can also be used with Strings and other sequence types.
Learning Objectives:
- Iterate through a string
- Process a String with a FOR loop
- Differentiate between a list and a string
- Lesson: Lists and Strings
- Quiz: Lists and Strings
- Programming: Lists and Strings
Misconceptions: None listed so far
Lesson 36- Lists and Indexes
Summary: Unlike other languages, Python is optimized to loop through values, not indexes. Indexes complicate the already complicated process of loops.
Learning Objectives:
- Iterate through a list by its indexes
- Explain why you should avoid iterating by indexes
- Lesson: Lists and Indexes
- Quiz: Lists and Indexes
Misconceptions: None listed so far
Lesson 37- List Comprehensions
Summary: List comprehensions are a type of expression similar to a FOR loop, but are explicitly for creating new lists. They are very convenient shorthand for creating lists.
Learning Objectives:
- Create a list using a list comprehension
- Create a list using a list comprehension and filtering
- Identify the advantage of a list comprehension over other forms of list creation
- Identify the drawback of using a list comprehension over regular FOR loops.
- Lesson: List Comprehensions
- Quiz: List Comprehensions
- Programming: List Comprehensions
Misconceptions: None listed so far
Lesson 38- While Loops
Summary: The WHILE loop repeatedly performs a body of actions until its condition is no longer true. In this way, they are very similar to an IF statement that loops back on itself.
Learning Objectives:
- Compare and contrast the For loop and While loop
- Define a While loop
- Determine if a situation requires a While loop
- Write code that involves condition based iteration
- Define control structure
- Identify control structures in code
- Describe the impact of various control structures on the sequence of a program.
- Nest control structures
- Lesson: While Loops
- Quiz: While Loops
- Programming: While Loops
Misconceptions: None listed so far